Wednesday, October 7, 2009

"Halloween - Why Are We Celebrating?"

My dad wrote this tract years ago, and it explains a little about the famous holiday of candy and spooks. This is what my dad wrote.

To the average person Halloween is nothing more than a time to dress in outrageous costumes and attend parties; to some it can also represent a time to indulge in mischievous acts, including vandalism. The fact is, most individuals don't understand the spiritual implications associated with this "holiday". For example, they don't realize that the tradition of wearing costumes originated with the ancient Celtic Druids. The occultists believed that a person could acquire strength and other attributes of animals, spirits, demons, or animal/beasts by dressing in costumes which resembled them (a belief still followed by most Satanists and other members of the occult to this day). The modern day "trick or treat" night also originated with the Druids. They believed that on the eve of Oct. 31 the pagan god Samhain (god of death) would come to visit the living accompanied by the spirits of the dead. These spirits would harass and play "tricks" on the living, such as the destruction of crops, if they were not appeased (treated). The party game of dunking for apples began as a method of divination. If a person dunked for an apple and grabbed it with their teeth they would supposedly be able to select a mate and the selected person would be unable to resist them. The pumpkin or "jack 'o lantern" arose from the tale of an infamous man named Jack. The story says he was so bad that he was refused by heaven and hell and doomed to roam the earth. This individual supposedly carried a glowing piece of coal in a carved out gourd to light his way at night.

While many people of today's "modern and enlightened" society dismiss as nonsense the spiritual implications associated with this satanic "holiday", it is important to remember that occult members do not. To members of the occult, October 31st is one of the four major days which they refer to as "witches sabots" or "cross quarter" days. The ancient Druids referred to Samhain day (Halloween) as a mystical time of "betwixt and between"; a day on which many occult members still practice the conjuring of spirits.

Law enforcement agencies all across the country report increases in occult-related crimes, such as poisonings, kidnappings and ritual murders, in the days surrounding Halloween. Also, in response to the increased occult activity during this "holiday" season, several animal shelters and anti-cruelty organizations nation wide have banned the purchasing or adopting of black cats on the days prior to, during, and following Halloween in an attempt to reduce the number of animals tortured in ritual sacrifices.

Obviously not every person who celebrates Halloween is in the occult. Most people who participate in the events of this day will never become practicing Satanists or occult members; however, police reports reveal that most individuals become involved in occult activities gradually and are initially inspired by a curiosity for the supernatural. This being the case, it seems clear that by participating in this holiday, with all the overtones which it bears, we run the risk of inviting the seed of curiosity into the hearts of our loved ones.

Not every child who chases a ball into the street will be hit by a car, and not every child who participates in Halloween will be seduced into the occult or become another statistic to some violent act; but for every one ho does there will be a family filled with grieving and regret.

Each year innocent children fall prey to those who are involved in the occult, and for the families who are victimized by these vicious acts the arguments in favor of participating in this day are replaced by mourning.

If you are celebrating Halloween this year, for the sake of your family, PLEASE make this year your last.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

there's really a lack of research put into this piece. it's also pretty obvious that anything factual has been twisted to support your beliefs. it's not really informational, it's more like propaganda, which i think is a good thing.

Jeikobu said...

This was researched thoroughly. Even a credible secular source could tell you Halloween had such origins.

Does trying to counter by attacking Christianity make you feel better? These things are incomparable. Real Christianity is about following, loving, and serving God and, by Him, bringing that love to others. The crusades are not an example of Christianity, regardless of whom they claimed to be and in what name they were doing it in. Don't slap a label on Christianity just because of what some mislead people have done in the past in it's name.

I am no Mormon, nor do I wish to be. I am simply a Christian, someone who just wants to please, honor, and bring glory to God's name, and help people understand why things such as Halloween are bad. I just want to help.

Anonymous said...

its fairly common knowledge that Halloween originated as a pagan holiday, but its quite ridiculous that so called "occultists" are using Halloween to convert the masses. I hate to break it to you, but Halloween is not the first Pagan holiday to be celebrated by most modern day folk, a lot of holidays have origins in Paganism. Christmas for example, was celebrated as Saturnalia for the Romans, on December 25 their was a Day of celebration for the Roman God Saturn. Another Example is Easter, orginally named for Eoster, one of the anglo-saxon pagan deities, during the month of april they would hold feasts in her honor.

you see? theres a lot of holidays that were at one time Pagan ritual holidays, but not anymore. What harm is there in letting kids celebrate a fun holiday? in Letting them dress up and get candy? in having fun? I don't see any more harm in Halloween than i do in Christmas, or Easter. Let kids have some fun, no harm in that.

Jeikobu said...

I am aware of the pagan background of holidays like Easter, etc. and wish that all that stupid alteration was never done by Constantine and those people. I think a key difference, however, is that Christmas is intended to celebrate Christ's birth, and Easter Christ's resurrection. Halloween is still known as "the day of the dead". It promotes all kinds of evil, and is a very dangerous day. Many people practice all kinds of satanic acts on this day, and many people and animals are kidnapped and killed. Playing dress up and getting candy may be fine, but that's not what Halloween is at its core. That may be what it has come to mean for the average American, and people should be aware of how dangerous and wicked this day is (hence my original post). I'm not flaming anyone who celebrates Halloween in ignorance of its origins and true meaning. Again, that's why I'm trying to spread the word. However, if one does know what the day means, I don't believe it's right to celebrate it as if nothing ever happened.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

From on anonymous to another, you are awesome!!!!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

He is simply sharing a point of view. If it offends you so much, pay no attention. To attack him personally shows how simple minded you are. Halloween, most likely, is not your favorite thing in life, so the fact that it brings so much negative emotion out of you is cause for concern.